CHRIST & SAINT STEPHEN’S offers an Adult Forum on Sunday mornings at 9:30, lasting an hour. The time is spent in learning, theological reflection, and building Christian community. You are welcome to come for any session of interest to you and when your schedule allows.
Note: Each Sunday program is self-contained. You can join in at any time without worrying about what went before.
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Forums for February
Sunday February 23 ~ Forum will be on Recess. Bishop Heyd will visit at the 11:00 to dedicate St. Cyprian’s Chapel, followed by the showing of the film San Juan Hill at 12:30 pm. It is a documentary film by Stanley Nelson, sponsored by Christ & Saint Stephen’s Church with complimentary admission & refreshments. The film features our own beloved parishioner Mavis Swire!
Sunday March 2 ~ 9:30 am Adult Forum : Planning for the Adult Forum program going forward, led by Al Jones and Dean Poynor.