Jesus called for them and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.' Luke 18:16
Church School
Children age 4 through the 7th grade attend Church School in the Undercroft during the first portion of the 11:00 am service (from roughly 10:50am). Class from children from 4 to 6 years old, from 1st to 3rd grade, and from 4th to 6th grade meet for instruction in the faith, crafts, service projects, games and music. During the announcements, the Church School joins the congregation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Church School lessons are based on the lectionary readings for a particular Sunday and follows the Living The Good News curriculum. During special Church seasons like Advent and Lent, we may engage in special projects like learning the Lord's Prayer and creating Stations of the Cross.
Programs for Children & Families
A variety of programs for children and families take place throughout the year including Easter Egg dyeing, Halloween pumpkin decorating, Christmas cookie decorating, and Youth Sunday when youth play important roles in the Sunday liturgy. Each Christmas Eve, Church School children and Youth Group members participate in a special Family Christmas Eve Service in which the story of the Nativity is told as Church School children enact the familiar story, playing Joseph, Mary, Shepherds and angels, sheep and cows.
Childcare/Nursery (Ages 6 months−3 years)
Childcare is available during the 11:00 am Service from September through Easter VII.
Professional childcare for children under 3 is located in the Undercroft (go through door under Exit sign, turn left, then right, continue downstairs).