Loud organs, his glory forth tell in deep tone... The Hymnal 1982, #432
The organ at Christ & Saint Stephen’s was designed and built by the San Francisco Company of Schoenstein & Co. in 2008.
The organ of 15 stops, is in the symphonic style, of which its concepts of maximum variety of tonal color and the widest possible dynamic range, creates an instrument not only of great beauty, but versatility. This symphonic style is ideal for the Anglican service, which demands the most intricate and sophisticated choral accompaniments, solid support of congregational singing, and a wealth of tonal variety for organ solo repertoire.
The façade pipes were decorated, (as in the Victorian period) to capture the color and design motifs of the church. The organ case and choir stalls were beautifully built by New Holland Church Furniture Company.
In 2015, Nigel Potts (former Organist & Choirmaster) released the first commercial CD of the organ in an all Wagner & Elgar program with Mezzo-Soprano, Sarah Rose Taylor.
For further information, please see the following links.
Further information on the Schoenstein & Co. Organ